One in a million

Price: $9230

The series of marble panels "Wandering through Montparnasse" is represented by 12 works. In each of the works, we will see a tandem of thoughts and creativity of two great masters, former residents of Ulia.
- Hi, Haim, you look bad today, however, as always, did not sleep again and wrote all night?
- I was waiting for you to come, Modi, you're right, writing. Did you bring your sketches? We agreed that we would try to combine our work and present them in a new way...
Soutine looked completely unimportant, and it is understandable, the maestro of the brush has not slept for several nights, taking his heroes out on glued canvases. The poor Jewish youth was extremely unstable morally, he could be taken out of balance by any word. But when he wrote, he seemed to be off the ground, he wrote beautiful people, but his special look seemed to see the whole underbelly of the sitter's soul, its whole essence. From that, all of Chaim's paintings have always been a "cold shower" for perception. His subtle personality so sharply caught all the manifestations of mental human torment, suffering, that it fit

- Of course, my friend, I brought everything, now I will create, and you watch the birth of my masterpiece!
Sitting in such a familiar place for Sutin - in the corner of the room, he fell asleep. And Amadeo worked on an old, rewritten and stitched canvas. And he knew for sure that their creativity together with Haim would break through all the gray masses and all stubborn beliefs and blow up the entire bohemian world.
Amadeo, such a bright charismatic Italian, somehow quietly became a friend of a lost, mossy in consciousness, poor Jewish boy from a large Jewish family. Unlike Sutin Modigliani, who focused only on his painting, he was almost always in only two states, either he was drunk or burned in love, but he may have been in the third - he drank in love, experiencing difficult heart moments. So now Modi brought a sketch of a young nymph in the features of which the grace of Akhmatova, such an unattainable star, was guessed. his Muses.

A gorgeous girl lies on the velvet cloth of a gambling table, turning away from the viewer. She is a mystery, who is she? Does the viewer sitting opposite Sutin know her, who so stubbornly does not take his eyes off her. He seemed to plunge into a trance of memories, where life gave meetings with his beloved woman in the minutes in which he lived, created... - "Oblivion of love."
Flying over the table are cards like autumn leaves of memories. Each card has its own mysterious meaning, together forming a winning combination - "Flash Modigliane."